Kate Endriga
I’m a lifetime Quilt-a-holic with a love of fabric, thread, and sewing; and believe me, I have the “stash” to prove it! I stitched my first quilt as a teenager, many, many years ago, and never looked back. In 2016, my love of quilting led me to longarming, and today I enjoy both piecing tops and finishing quilts on my professional longarm machine.
I am driven by three things...
1) the thrill of the hunt to find the perfect quilting pattern to complement each project,
2) the drive for technical perfection in stitching each project, and
3) the feeling of accomplishment as the awe-inspiring beauty of each finished quilt is revealed.
I'd love to discuss how to transform your UFO into a finished work of art that will be treasured by generations.
My Quilting Awards:
In 2016, after submitting my first entry in a national quilting competition, I won four quilting awards in the Disney themed Lion King Cherrywood Challenge competition. My submission, titled “Majestic”, used fabric and thread to paint a lifelike portrait of a lion’s face. It won “Viewer’s Choice” awards in national quilt festivals at Paducah, Lancaster, and Des Moines, and was a “finalist” on display at the International Quilt Festival (IQF) in Houston, TX.